Welcome to Paranormal Friends

We’re a team of genuine and enthusiastic paranormal investigators with a passion for what we do.

Despite constant effort over centuries of investigating, neither paranormal investigators nor scientists have been able to prove or disprove the existence of paranormal phenomena in whatever form that may be.

Our team has witnessed unimaginable amounts of activity spanning hundreds of investigations. While much of this has been successfully explained away, plenty of activity hasn’t been debunked despite the team’s best efforts.

For much of the last decade, our founders hosted investigations for the public, while also working with others who believed they lived or worked in a haunted property.

Now, we’ve ceased public investigations for the time being there may be occasional special events, but we want to focus on our private work.

If you think you could use our expertise as we search for real evidence of genuine paranormal activity, get in touch.

We use a combination of scientific and spiritual methods and attempt to make sense of – or even debunk – any evidence we gather.

We can guarantee any activity that occurs is genuine and our team never fakes or stages anything.